Proof of current immunizations is required for school attendance under Arizona State Law A.R.S. 36-671, 15-871-873 and Arizona Administrative Code R9-6-701 thru 708. The law offers no grace period. You must provide proof of current immunizations in order to enroll your child in school. If the student has a medical condition or personal belief that conflicts with this law, a waiver may be signed and presented at the time of registration. You may obtain the waiver at any of the Pima County Health locations.
The law does not allow parents or guardians to claim an exemption simply because the child's immunization record is lost or incomplete or because it is too much trouble to go to a physician or clinic.
For information about immunization requirements, see the Arizona Department of Health Services Immunization Requirements website.
For local immunization clinics in Pima County, see the Pima County Health website.
- Arizona Immunization Program
The Arizona Immunization Program Office provides updated information about vaccines in Arizona.
- Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
Operated by the World Health Organization, this international coalition was established to respond promptly, efficiently, and with scientific rigor to vaccine safety issues of potential global importance.
- The National Immunization Program
The Centers for Disease Control's National Immunization Program addresses vaccination issues in the United States.
- The National Vaccine Information Center
This parent-led organization seeks reformation of the mass vaccination program.
- Institute for Vaccine Safety
Sponsored by the John Hopkins School of Public Health, this institute provides independent assessments of vaccinations.
- Vaccine Safety: What you need to know
The Centers for Disease Control examines vaccine research, vaccine licensing, the monitoring of vaccine safety, and the communication of vaccine risks.
- Vaccines are Safe
The World Health Organization strives to provide unbiased and accurate information about vaccinations for parents and health care professionals.
If you do not have your child's immunization records, you may not need to begin the immunization series over again.
- Call your child's previous school and ask them to fax the immunization record to the school where you are trying to register your child.
- Check with the school nurse, who may be able to assist you.
You will not be able to register until the fax has been received.
If you are unable to obtain the immunization records from the previous school, your child will need to start the vaccination series again. While this is unfortunate, it will not harm your child.
Please make use of the immunization clinics throughout Pima County to get your child registered for school without delay.
Your child will be admitted to school on the condition that the subsequent immunizations will be administered when they are due. For more information, see the Arizona Department of Health Services Immunization Requirements.
The law does not allow parents/guardians to claim an exemption simply because the record is lost or incomplete and it is too much trouble to go to a physician or clinic.
Source: Arizona Department of Health Services