Health Services - Immunization

Immunization Resources
Proof of current immunizations is required for school attendance under Arizona State Law A.R.S. 36-671, 15-871-873 and Arizona Administrative Code R9-6-701 thru 708. The law offers no grace period. You must provide proof of current immunizations in order to enroll your child in school. If the student has a medical condition or personal belief that conflicts with this law, a waiver may be signed and presented at the time of registration. You may obtain the waiver at any of the Pima County Health locations.

The law does not allow parents or guardians to claim an exemption simply because the child's immunization record is lost or incomplete or because it is too much trouble to go to a physician or clinic.

For information about immunization requirements, see the Arizona Department of Health Services Immunization Requirements website.

For local immunization clinics in Pima County, see the Pima County Health website.


Joseph Gaw, Ed.D., MSN, BSN, RN
Director of School Health Services
Posted/Revised Date

Information for students and parents about Tucson Unified's medication policy.

article, 2022-2023, school, tucson, student health services
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