At Tucson Unified, we're using Awareity to make a difference, creating safer and more responsive schools.
What is Awareity?
Awareity is an online reporting system that provides us with a tool to receive, track, and respond to incidents, concerns, and complaints. Through Awareity, we can notice trends to prevent issues. We can also track concerns to help us resolve issues.
How does Awareity Work?
Click the butterfly icon, then submit your report.
Your report will be routed to the person who can best help you resolve your concern.
You can also find the link to Awareity on the School Safety home page.
What can I report in Awareity?
You can report safety and prevention concerns, such as:
- Bullying
- Concerning behavior
- Threats
- Fighting
- Facilities issues
- And any other concern
You can even report good news!
If you think someone at Tucson Unified should know about something, please report it!
How will we use Awareity?
We'll use Awareity to track and respond to your concerns. Your report will be routed to the best person to help resolve the issue, or in the case of good news, to the person who should know about this. We'll then use the system to help us track the response and identify trends.
This helps us ensure that important issues don't go unnoticed, so that we can be more responsive and create safer schools.
Can I submit an anonymous report?
Yes. You can report anonymously. If you would like a reply or response, or if you think we might want to get in touch with you for more information, then we will need a way to contact you, such as your email address or phone number. But if you prefer to remain anonymous, we will accept an anonymous report.
What other benefits can we expect from Awareity?
In addition to safer schools, we anticipate that Awareity will help us identify and respond to trends, preventing issues before they happen. We also look forward to being able to respond more quickly to concerns. All in all, Awareity provides us with a tool to enhance prevention, accountability, and responsiveness.
How can I learn more?
Visit Awareity's website to learn more.