Resolution Affirming Commitment to Students Regardless of Immigration Status

Our commitment: A safe, welcoming environment for all students, regardless of immigration status

Tucson Unified School District is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all of our students. On September 12, 2017, the Governing Board adopted a resolution stating, "the Governing Board and the District, and its administration, teachers, counselors and staff will support all students equally, whether their immigration status is documented or undocumented."

Resolution Affirming Commitment to Students Regardless of Immigration Status (in PDF)  | Signed Copy (in PDF)

El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Tucson está comprometido a proveer un ambiente seguro donde todos los estudiantes se sientan bienvenidos. El 12 de Septiembre del 2017 la mesa directiva adopto una resolución que indica, "La mesa directiva y el distrito, la administración, maestros, consejeros y empleados brindaran apoyo a todos los estudiantes de una manera equitativa, sin importar si su estatus migratorio."
Ashley Wallinger
Digital Copywriter Editor
Posted/Revised Date
Tucson Unified's commitment to serving and supporting all students, regardless of immigration status.
article, 2022-2023, schools, tucson, history, stories, mexican american student services