Maldonado Elementary School at a Glance

I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Family Studies. After graduation I worked for the Department of Juvenile Corrections for three years where I discovered I could best serve and impact our youth by ensuring they have a solid academic foundation. This led me to attain my Post-Baccalaureate Degree in Elementary Education. I began my teaching career as a Second Grade Teacher in Sahuarita Unified School District. Two years later I entered the familiar doors of my childhood elementary school, White Elementary School, as a First Grade teacher. During my eleven years at White, I earned my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education, Arizona Master Teacher designation, and National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification in Early and Middle Childhood Literacy: Reading and Language Arts.
Since then I have served the district through the Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development Department as a Teacher Mentor, Curriculum Service Provider, and Professional Development Academic Trainer. This work is a passion and privilege, allowing me to continuously develop my skills in supporting, motivating, coaching, challenging, and leveraging effective teaching practices which directly impacts student achievement. In 2016, I completed my Masters in Educational Leadership and was named a Rodel Aspiring Principal by the Rodel Foundation of Arizona. I went on to serve the C.E. Rose community as an Assistant Principal for two years prior to becoming the proud Principal of Maldonado Elementary School in 2019.
My belief that every child deserves an effective teacher has led my desire to support students, teachers, and principals. I believe everything is possible through education, and believe my purpose is to empower others to reach their full potential. I believe healthy social emotional well being goes hand-in-hand with academic success and strive to provide an environment where students feel safe, valued, connected, and nurtured.
Office Phone: 520-908-4100
Email Maldonado
Office Hours: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm