FAQ for New Tucson Unified Families

Questions & Answers about Enrolling & Attending School

Please review the following questions & answers.  If you are unable to find an answer, please contact us for assistance.

Students must be 5 years of age before September 1 of the current school year to attend kindergarten and 6 years of age before September 1 to enter first grade. For more information, see Policy JEB and Regulation JEB-R.

Unless you have made special arrangements through Open Enrollment, your child will attend your attendance area school.

To find your attendance area school, use Pima County's Find Your School or call Student Placement & Enrollment, 520-225-6400. More about Attendance Options Guidelines.

No. You can apply to have your child attend any of our schools. Please visit the Selection Guide Tool for how to apply to each school.
Our schools offer a wide variety of Learning Programs, including Magnet and GATE.  Please consider what programs might best fit your child.

Eoch of Our Magnet schools offers a unique experience and any student in the district can apply, please complete a School Choice/Open Enrollment Application to begin the process.

To participate in the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program, students are evaluated by the district. Fill out a Permission to Evaluate form and submit it to your school to have your child evaluated for GATE.
Yes! Many elementary and some middle schools offer before and after school care. See the list of Before and After School Programs for more information.

As a parent, you can become involved in your school in many ways: through volunteering, participating in School Councils and by joining the Parent-Teacher-Student association. Please check with your school for more ideas.

As a member of our community, you can also participate on Board Committees, help review new curriculum, and donate to our schools or programs. 

These significant dates are planned 2 years in advance and are on Our Calendars and the calendar on each school's website.
See the School Menus for the school meal menu. For more info about meals, please visit School Meal Services.

Our Governing Board policy JICA sets the standards of dress for Tucson Unified schools. Some schools require uniforms. Refer to Exhibit JICA-E (PDF) for the list of schools currently requiring uniforms. If you have more questions regarding the dress code at your child's school, please ask the principal.

Yes! We offer many preschool programs for young children (6 weeks - 5 years old)  throughout the district. See Preschool for more information.

Our Code of Conduct is intended to help create a positive and safe teaching and learning environment in our schools. See the Code for complete information about student rights, responsibilities, and discipline at Tucson Unified schools.

You can enroll your child through our online registration system, ParentVUE. If you already have a ParentVUE account, simply log in to begin the process.

If you don't have an account, stop by your school to get one. The school can also help with any questions you have about the registration process.

Posted/Revised Date
Answers to common questions from new families in the Tucson Unified School District.
article, school, tucson, register, family